Information for
Exhibitor Information for the BIG day!
We will be in touch with you to confirm your place once we have your completed booking form.
You will get an exhibitor information pack before the event which includes details about the day and the floor plan.
What you’ll get
- Refreshments
- Table and 2 chairs
- Space for banners
- Varied range of exhibitors
- Parking at most venues
- Networking
- Venue WIFI
What to bring
- Banners
- Promo materials
- Table cloth / runner
- A way to record interest
- Application forms
- Sweets or fruit
- Packed lunch
Dressing your table
Make your table as unique as your business!
Here are three examples of what our friends at SBA, Morrisons and Hinkley Point C do when attending our Job Fairs.
Some companies simply turn up with a table cloth and a laptop.
Ready to book? If you have any questions please contact us.